
Parish House - Satterlee Hall





Check-in: 11:00 a.m.
Program: 11:30 - “Hope, What it is and Where Can we Find It?" with speaker Amy Sander Montanez, D. Min, LPC, LMFT
Business meeting and lunch: 12:00 p.m. Lunch is $10 per person, payable with online registration, or at the door.

Please use the registration link to RSVP.

About our speaker: Amy is a therapist, spiritual director, coach, retreat leader, and writer in private practice. She specializes in working with clergy and seminarians, and is also known for her compassionate work with couples and individuals. Her first book, Moment to Moment: The Transformative Power of Everyday Life, won Spirituality and Practice’s top 100 books of the year in 2013, and she has won six National Polly Bond Awards for her work in spiritual writing. Along with a colleague, she has blogged at messymarvelous.com and has had two books published; Launch: A Guide to Adulting, and Love: A Guide To Life-Partnering. Amy teaches in the Spiritual Direction program at the Lutheran Southern Theological Seminary, and has taught in three other Spiritual Direction programs. Outside of the office she loves to cook and entertain, play the piano, listen to live music, dance, read, and gather with friends and family. Her husband, Nick, and daughter, Maria, are great sources of joy in her life.  Learn more about Amy at amysandermontanez.com 

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