Trinity has joint adult groups as well as designated Men’s, Women’s, Young Adult, and College Student groups designed to provide an opportunity for adults of the parish to come together for fellowship and spiritual growth.
Sunday Formation
Sunday formation classes for all ages are held from 10:15-10:45 a.m. each week, with the exception of the first Sunday of the month. Parish-wide fellowship events are held those Sundays.
The Dean's Big Bible Study: The Book of Genesis, in Satterlee Hall, February 9-March 30
Have you ever tried to read the Bible all the way through, but you always give up somewhere in the "begats"? This study is for you.
Have you never participated in a Bible study before but have a vague feeling that you ought to? This study is for you.
Do you remember all of your memory verses from Sunday School even an undisclosed number of decades later? This study is for you.
Do you quote chapter and verse with ease, and even dabble in Hebrew and Greek? This study is for you.
The written Word of God points us to the Word of God Incarnate. It belongs to all of us who have been called by Christ into his Church. It is the foundation of our life together. The Prayer Book and the great works of our faith are suffused with the language and logic of Scripture. And a knowledge of and passion for the Bible equips and inspires us to live our faith boldly in the world. It is a good and gracious thing for Christians of all levels of scriptural knowledge to study the Bible together, and thereby grow in faith and love for one another and the world.
This fall, join the Very Rev'd Dane Boston as he begins to teach "The Dean's Big Bible Study." Over the course of the next several years, the Dean will lead us in studying all of Holy Scripture, beginning in Genesis and weaving together Old Testament and New Testament books. Participants are invited to attend on Sunday mornings in Satterlee Hall for a lecture-style class. Additionally (or alternatively), small-group gatherings at various times through the week will give the opportunity for more in-depth discussion and questions. Stay tuned for those times and locations.
I Love to Sing the Story, in the Stirling Room, February 9-March 30
The hymns we sing at almost every liturgy at Trinity are statements of faith, praise, and lament. Have you ever wondered who wrote the text and the music, the theology behind the hymn, the tunes, and the stories of the hymn writers themselves? This class, led by lay members and clergy, explores these questions and more.
Monasticism and Mysticism in the Christian and Anglican Tradition, in the Daughters Room, February 9- 23
Nuns, monks, and mystics have quietly, and not so quietly, shaped the spiritual realm of Christianity and the Anglican tradition since its beginnings. Discover a few well-known and lesser-known figures and how they lived their faith throughout history. Led by The Rev’d Canon Mia C. McDowell.
Weekday Formation
Tuesdays – Men’s + Women’s Bible Study + lunch – Men meet in the Stirling Room with Dean Dane Boston, women meet in the Cathedral House conference room with the Rev’d Mia C. McDowell. Bible study begins at noon, and lunch follows in Satterlee Hall.
2nd & 4th Tuesdays – Pub Theology at Trinity – 6:00-7:45 p.m. Library. Group facilitated. Conversation on various topics or books of faith over favorite beverages
Tuesdays – YAMS Ladies Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. at the home of Elizabeth Beal. Light dinner and a study of Mercy in the Storm - A Study on the Book of Jonah
Tuesdays – YAMS Men’s Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. Contact Graham Chapman for more information.
Wednesdays – The Ark Women’s Study Group – 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the Edwards Room of the Trinity Center, January 15-April 9. Women of Trinity (and from other churches as well) are invited to share their responses to readings, to evolving ideas on spirituality, and its relationship to current events. We gather in our ark as sisters together traversing an ever-changing sea. Led by Keren Reigel and Katherine Mille.
Wednesdays - Adult Women’s Study - 9:30-11:30 a.m., in Classroom 114, January 8-February 12. Exploring the New Testament Book of Acts. Led by Mopsy Crawford
Wednesdays - Parish Lenten Study - 6:30 pm to 7:50 p.m. in the Daughters Room. March 12-April 9 and April 30. Discussion of Being Disciples by Rowan Williams, led by clergy and lay leaders
Wednesdays - The Chosen Discussion Group - 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Daughters Room, January 15-February 19. A study of selected episodes of this popular and engaging series about the life of Jesus and his disciples. Led by The Rev’d Canon Mia C. McDowell and Belton Zeigler
Fridays – Centering Prayer – 12:00-12:45 p.m. in Seibels Chapel, facilitated by Jemme Stewart and Hilda White. An introduction to this practice is offered at 11:45.
Adult Ministries
This organization provides an opportunity for the men of the parish to come together for fellowship and spiritual growth. Our goal is to provide all the men at Trinity with a group through which to grow in our relationship with Christ and each other.
Our Daughters of the Holy Cross and Daughters of the King groups aim to bring women together to grow in spirituality.
Young Adults Married + Single (YAMS)
Trinity’s Young Adults Married + Single Ministry offers many varied opportunities for formation and fellowship. It is in and through community that we learn most deeply about God, ourselves, and each other.
College Students
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral is the University of South Carolina’s neighborhood church. College students are welcome and participate in much of the Young Adults programming, including outreach events and community building.