Many people work together to prepare for Sunday and weekday worship at Trinity Cathedral.

The guilds described here provide invaluable support for the many aspects of worship. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact us.

The Acolytes Guild

The Acolytes Guild offers young people in grades 7-12 the opportunity to serve as ministers in Cathedral worship. Acolytes lead processions, take responsibility for lighting and extinguishing candles, and assist priests and deacons in preparation for communion.

The Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar for Sunday and weekday worship in the Cathedral and Keenan Chapel. In addition to setting up for each service, they are responsible for polishing silver and brass, mending and laundering linens, and maintaining supplies of wine, wafers, candles and cleansing materials. Altar Guild members are also responsible for setting up the altar for funerals, weddings, ordinations, and other special services in the Cathedral and Keenan Chapel.

The Flower Guild

The Flower Guild is comprised of parish members interested in flower arranging, who may also be members of the Altar Guild. Flower Guild members augment the services of the Altar Guild members who regularly arrange flowers for the altar in the Cathedral, Keenan Chapel, and on some occasions, Seibel’s Chapel. Flower Guild members may also be called upon to help with festival days and other special celebrations requiring their talent.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers administer the chalice at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral and Keenan Chapel on Sundays. They also serve occasionally for weddings, funerals and other services. Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the Bishop following participation in training sessions.

The Needlework Guild

The Needlework Guild is an informal group for those interested in any type of needlework, whether you already know and enjoy your craft or want to learn. Meetings are held at Trinity on Mondays from 10:00 a.m.-noon. The group has recently completed the needlepoint kneelers for the Cathedral and for Seibels Chapel. They continue to knit/crochet for charity, cross-stitch Christmas ornaments for the Bazaar, and mend altar linens. You are welcome to bring your own project to join the Needlework Guild in fellowship, too!


Lectors participate in Sunday worship services in the Cathedral and Keenan Chapel by reading the lessons appointed for that day and reading intercessory prayers. They also read lessons for special services. Being a lector requires skill and confidence in reading in public. Training is required.


Ushers extend a friendly welcome to parishioners and visitors at Sunday services. They pass alms basins and assist the congregation during communion. Ushers serve in teams and are also called on to serve at funerals and special services. Current ushers: view the 2025 schedule.


The Vergers assist the Dean and clergy to insure that services run smoothly. These duties include monitoring the procession and the movement to and from the altar during communion. The ceremonial role of the Verger is to lead processions for services as requested by the Dean.


Have questions about how you can help or how you can serve?