The Trinity Foundation exists to sustain and advance the ministries of the Cathedral. The Foundation was established to provide a financial vehicle for the long-term enhancement of Trinity Cathedral Parish and its missions. The Foundation Commission solicits, invests and distributes funds that are entirely separate from the annual general operating budget of the Cathedral.

Planned Gifts

Many parishioners choose to fulfill their pledge or make a special contribution to the Trinity Foundation through a gift of real estate, stock, or from a brokerage account. The Trinity Foundation wants your gift to be as rewarding for you as it is beneficial to Trinity. The Trinity Foundation Commission will work in partnership with you to structure a gift that advances your long-term goals while providing much-needed support for Trinity.

We can help donors make a larger commitment to the Trinity Foundation without affecting their cash flow by using appreciated securities for their gift instead of cash. We can guide parishioners and their advisors in incorporating charitable bequests and gifts of life insurance into their estate and financial planning. We also offer gift plans that return income to the donor, so that a gift to The Foundation can also help with the donor’s retirement, education, and family needs.Trinity 

Would you like to discuss planned giving? Let us know!

Foundation Funds

Whether through broad-based support of the General Endowment Fund, or more targeted endowments and funds designated for areas like Trinity's facilities and grounds, our music ministry, mission work or Christian formation, a gift to the Foundation expands Trinity’s presence in our community, and empowers us to do “all such good works as God has prepared for us to walk in.”

Make a gift

The General Endowment Fund invests gifts and uses only the income it produces. In this way, gifts, however small or large, continue to work from generation to generation. Memorials, honoraria, bequests and other undesignated gifts to the foundation are applied to the general endowment fund. Each gift strengthens the endowment so the Foundation can accomplish more for the Cathedral and the community. Each year, 75% of the spendable amount is transferred to the Trinity Mission and Ministries fund.

The Bob Reigel Haiti Fund supports the Cathedral’s mission activities in Haiti or for other mission-oriented purposes approved by the Vestry.

The Building and Property Fund / Third Century Fund provides funds to purchase additional land, build a new building, make a major addition to an existing building, or fund the restoration of an existing building in order to preserve or expand Trinity’s programs and activities.

The Churchyard Fund provides funds for maintenance, repairs, and improvements to the cemetery including, but not limited to, landscaping, gravestones, walls, gates, and walkways.

The Daughters of the Holy Cross Fund may be used for any purpose requested and approved by the Daughters of the Holy Cross board.

The Dean's Search Fund provides financial support for the search and transition expenses for the new Dean of Trinity Cathedral.

The Friends of Music Fund provides significant annual support to Trinity's world-renowned music ministry, both in the daily support of choristers young and old as they grow in musicianship and faith, extraordinary seasonal concerts and special music, and in transformative biennial choir tours and residencies.

The Harriet and Walker Keenan Family Fund is designated to maintain, improve, enhance and expand the programs, staff, facilites and grounds at the Cathedral's 1100 Sumter St. campus

The Landscaping & Grounds Fund is used to improve and maintain the Cathedral’s landscaping and grounds

The Lectureship Fund covers the honoraria, travel costs and other expenses associated with bringing speakers to Trinity-sponsored events.


The Music Endowment Fund provides a source of revenue for capital expenditures and other expenses of the Cathedral’s music department.

The Organ Maintenance Endowment Fund is used for maintenance, repair, or improvement of the Cathedral’s organ.

The Parish House Centennial Fund will be used to refurbish and improve the Parish House (including the Stirling Room, restrooms, flower room and kitchen serving line) in advance of its centennial in 2026.

The St. Lawrence Place Fund provides support for the programs and facilities of St. Lawrence Place, a project of Homeless No More

The Robert W. Foster Camp Bob Fund covers any deficit in the cost of the annual trip to Camp Bob sponsored by the Cathedral. 

The Seminarian Fund provides financial support to seminarians preparing to become ministers in an Episcopal Church.

The Trinity Mission and Ministries Fund was created to support or enhance the mission and ministries of Trinity Cathedral. This fund receives an annual distribution of 75% of the annual spendable amount from the general endowment fund. Additional gifts to this fund may be added at any time.

The Vernon Funds:

  • Facilites
  • Christian Formation
  • Mission & Outreach 

The Williamson Fund distributes the annual spendable income (historically set as 4%) to the Trinity Mission and Ministry Fund to support the mission and ministries of Trinity Cathedral. 

Trinity Foundation Commission

Board Members

  • Mary Weston, President
  • Steve Johnson, Vice President
  • Read Folline, Secretary
  • Jim Best
  • Rita Caughman
  • Tricia Morris
  • Llewellyn Shealy
  • Wade Stinnette

Ex-Officio Members

  • The Rev'd Dane E. Boston, Dean
  • Pam Lackey, Senior Warden
  • West Summers, Junior Warden