At the heart of our life together is the good news of God’s offer of forgiveness and life in Christ. We are a congregation rich in opportunities – for worship, for prayer, for service, and for growing in spiritual life. When you join us for worship or for other opportunities, we hope you experience Christ’s presence and find yourself encouraged to follow Christ more faithfully in everyday life.

Join us this Sunday for worship!

What to Expect When Visiting Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

You can expect to experience an environment of hospitality at Trinity. We provide multiple worship experiences, from traditional to a little more casual, with varying styles of music. We’d also like to introduce you to an array of ministries and service opportunities.

Walking a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestant traditions, our worship services encourage awe, reverence and expectancy. People new to a tradition that uses formal prayers and liturgy are encouraged to come and participate without any concern for “doing things correctly.” We want you to feel a warm welcome, whether you come simply to visit or are looking for a new church home.


Parking is available on Senate and Marion Streets. Accessible parking spaces are available along Sumter Street in front of the cathedral, and in the smaller parking lot off Marion Street. Both of these parking areas have access to ramps and our elevator. There are also handicapped parking spots in the larger parking lot on the corner of Marion and Senate Streets.


Visitor's Map 

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Sunday Mornings for Infants, Children & Youth

We know visiting a new church with children can be confusing and a little hectic. Welcoming children of all ages is something that members of Trinity look forward to each week. If you have any questions before your visit, please email


Nursery care is provided for babies (6 weeks or older), 1-year-olds, 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds. Care is available during the 9:00 a.m. worship hour, the 10:00 a.m. formation hour (Sunday School) and the 11:00 a.m. worship hour. Our staff and volunteers in the Welcome Center can direct you to the correct classroom. Each classroom is staffed by paid, trained caregivers and parent volunteers.


Children ages 4 and older are invited to attend the service with their parents. During the 9:00 a.m. service, children will be invited forward after the Gospel reading to participate in Liturgy Preparation, an age-appropriate worship setting. They will return to the Cathedral after the announcements.

Children’s Sunday School is held from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Please visit the Welcome Center and our hospitality team will direct you to the correct classroom.


Youth formation includes 6th-12th graders. They meet in the Trinity Center from 10:00-11:00. Please visit the Welcome Center and our hospitality team will direct you to the correct classroom.

Becoming a Member of Trinity

If you are baptized (or desire to be baptized), you intend to make this parish your principal community of worship, and you will support the ministries of the parish, you may be recorded as a member of the parish if you so desire. We also offer opportunities for adult confirmation, reception and reaffirmation of faith.

If you would like more information or would like to speak with a staff member or Clergy member of Trinity Cathedral, please contact us!