God calls us to holiness, and gives us the gifts of the sacraments to sanctify our lives. At Trinity Cathedral, important moments are marked by special rites and ceremonies according to the liturgies found in The Book of Common Prayer. These rituals consecrate and set apart the milestones of life, drawing us deeper into relationship with God and one another. 

If you would like information regarding any of the sacraments and services described below, contact Carole Carter.


“Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.”    –The Book of Common Prayer, page 298

Baptism is celebrated in the context of the Holy Eucharist on several designated Sundays and feast days during the church year. At each celebration of Baptism, members of the congregation renew their own Baptismal Covenant and welcome the newly baptized into this community of faith. In the Episcopal Church, children and adults of any age are welcomed into the fellowship of the Church through Baptism. Infants and younger children are brought by their parents and godparents, who make the promises and vows of Baptism on their behalf. Older children and adults are accompanied by sponsors, and make their profession of faith in Jesus Christ for themselves.

Baptism Instruction

Instruction in the Christian faith in preparation for receiving the sacrament of Baptism is customarily offered by the clergy of Trinity Cathedral in the weeks preceding each baptismal day. Baptism classes provide a place for parents, godparents, and (when they are of sufficient age) baptismal candidates to reflect on the meaning of this important sacrament, and to consider how God’s work in Baptism transforms our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. Classes are open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Christian faith, and is required for those preparing to be baptized, or their parents and godparents. Child care is provided for parents attending the classes.


“In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the Bishop.”    –The Book of Common Prayer, page 412

At Confirmation, young people and adults stand before the Bishop to claim and affirm the promises and vows made at their Baptism, to receive the Bishop’s laying on of hands, and to be recognized as full, active members of the Episcopal Church. Those who were baptized and confirmed by a Bishop in another Christian tradition are received by the Bishop into the Episcopal Church through this sacramental rite.

For Trinity Youth

Students in the 11th grade are invited to join the weekly confirmation class from 9:15-10:15 a.m. on Sundays during Youth Formation. Please contact Taylor Gibby, Director of Youth Ministries, for more information.

For Adults

Adults drawn to the life of Trinity Cathedral and the Episcopal Church should participate in our regularly offered Inquirers Class. These classes explore the ways in which the Episcopal Church and our Anglican tradition approach worship, faith, spirituality, theology, and service in our world. They are a great opportunity to hear from those with long experience at Trinity, and to meet other newcomers.

The Inquirers Class is open to anyone who wants to know more about the Church. It is required of adults who wish to be baptized, confirmed, or received in the Episcopal Church. If you are interested in participating in the next Inquirers Class and exploring confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church, please contact the Reverend Canon Mia McDowell.


“Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant between a man and a woman in the presence of God.”  –The Book of Common Prayer, page 422

Setting a Wedding Date

The very first step toward a wedding at the Cathedral is for the couple to make an appointment with the Trinity priest whom they wish to officiate their wedding. At least one of the persons wishing to be married at Trinity must be a member in good standing of the Parish.


“The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised.    –The Book of Common Prayer, page 507

Services for the dead derive their power and meaning from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Christ’s victory over death, we also share in the “sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life.” However, the love we bear for our deceased friends and family members means that the feelings of sorrow and grief that we experience at their passing are real and powerful. The parish community mourns with those who are mourning, even as we celebrate the lives of those who died “in joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love.”

Trinity offers ministries of support and care for those who are dying, and for their families. The death of any member of the congregation should be reported as soon as possible to one of the Cathedral clergy so that care and comfort may be extended to the family of the deceased, and funeral arrangements can be made.

Funeral Planning

We encourage you to meet with a clergy member to begin planning your funeral in advance. Trinity has several burial options and we are happy to discuss your plans.

Parishioners of Trinity Cathedral are encouraged to plan thoughtfully and prayerfully for their own mortality, making consideration for charitable causes in the management of their affairs. Those who wish to remember Trinity in their wills are encouraged to make that intention known now. If they so desire, we will be deeply grateful to honor and recognize them as Legacy Builders of the Trinity Foundation.