Children’s Ministry at Trinity Cathedral provides programs and opportunities for all children to study the Scriptures, history and tradition of Christianity and the Episcopal Church. 

We are also challenged and encouraged to serve others – to give of our heart, our time, and our treasures. We also strive to provide offerings for children not just on Sundays, but on weekdays, and through special events that mark the church seasons. In addition to the study of the Scriptures, the church school curriculum offers the experience of what it means to be a part of a Christian faith community.

Sunday Mornings

Children ages 4 and older are invited to attend the service with their parents. During the 9:00 a.m. service, children who are 4 years old though 2nd grade will be invited forward after the Gospel reading to participate in Liturgy Preparation, an age-appropriate worship setting. They will return to the Cathedral after the announcements.

During the school year, children’s Sunday school is held from 10:15-10:45 a.m. Please visit the Welcome Center and our hospitality team will direct you to the correct classroom.

Volunteer with Children’s Ministries at Trinity

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer or you have questions or concerns related to the children’s program at Trinity, please email All volunteers must complete Safe Church training prior to serving.


The Sunday nursery programs at Trinity Cathedral are dedicated to both parents and children. Parents are assured of a safe and pleasant environment for infants and toddlers so that they may take full advantage of Trinity’s rich opportunities for worship, learning, and fellowship. Children are provided not only with constant care and supervision, but also introduced to the early levels of Christian formation through stories, music and interaction with other children. Trinity Cathedral’s nursery is much more than a convenience or service; it is a ministry to the entire Cathedral community.

Nursery care is provided for babies (6 weeks or older), 1-year-olds, 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds. Care is available every Sunday morning for the 9:00 service, the 10:00 a.m. formation hour, and the 11:00 Cathedral service. Please follow signs to the Welcome Center. We will greet your family and help you find the correct classroom.

Each classroom is staffed by paid, trained caregivers and parent volunteers. During the Sunday school year, Bible stories and prayers are presented to the one- and two-year-olds. Three-, four-, and five-year-olds are expected to attend the service with their parents and to participate in liturgy preparation activities during a portion of the service.

Nurseries are also available during many programs and meetings held by the church.

Nursery Volunteers

Parents who utilize the nurseries are assigned Host Parent Duty. Notification of this is sent in advance in email form to all parents of nursery-aged children. Reminder emails are sent the week prior to service. We cherish our volunteers and always welcome them. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to get to know the caregivers, other parents, and our children.

For questions about the Nursery, please contact

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Trinity Center for Mission and Ministry

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